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Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG)

Writer's picture: Shannon EastmanShannon Eastman

Moving from suffering to strength is not new. 

Marcus Aurelius, Confucius and Aristotle, circa 5th century, A.D. are just a few of the more famous writers on the subject. Einstein, Darwin, Newton, Beethoven and Ralph Waldo Emerson, also spoke at length on transforming adversity. 

Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) as a Process

Post-Traumatic Growth is a transformative response to trauma, where individuals not only recover but experience personal growth as a result of past trauma. PTG involves a deep psychological shift, often occurring after an individual’s core (limiting) beliefs about the world are challenged or dissolved entirely, leaving the individual with an invitation to “Step Back to Step Up”.

Interventions for emotional regulation are to be met with social support factors to effectively shift the person’s state from negative to reflective.

Emotional regulation techniques, through a combination of Top Down and Bottom Up resources, help individuals manage trauma-related emotions until regulation has returned to the body, upgrading and restoring cognitive function.

Social support networks, attainable role models and open dialogue with Trauma-Informed practitioners, are often attributed to be the number 1 factor  for the individual to fully transform from from where they are now, into PTG.

The final stage that emerges is a reframed narrative. Typically a narrative that supports and assists others, making the person inside PTG, a valuable and contributing member of society. 

Post-Traumatic Growth Outcomes:

1.Fresh Perspectives & New Ways of Seeing: 

Kind of like, impaired eye sight for 40 years, and then being given prescription eye glasses for the first time. The way you “see” before and after PTG is comparable.

2. Resilience: 

Not only does it take a lot to throw you off balance, but when you are shaken, your ability to bounce back is is increasingly easier until it becomes innate.

3. Meaningful Relationships: 

You seek out and appreciate the people in your life and enjoy reciprocal relationships with people you value and who value you.

4. Congruent, Aligned & Inspired with what is Meaningful to you:

Discover your purpose and feel renewed and alive in your pursuit of it. 

5. Personal Strength:

Gain confidence, clarity and become empowered. 

Post-Traumatic Growth - Worth Noting: 

1.There is no “Instant Recovery” 

There is marked progress that comes with practice, patience and 

persistence and is proportional to the quality of your support network. 

2. 8 billion people, 8 billion different ways to do this: 

We are uniquely the same. The path we follow out of suffering into PTG is unique for everyone and it has some common characteristics.

3. Non-Verbal, Bottom Up Approaches and Top Down resources: 

It is common that individuals recovering from C-PTSD will engage 2 or 3 Bottom Up resources, and 1 or 2 Top Down Resources, on average.


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Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG)

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